送禮之選 Gift Ideas

想送給摰愛一份既特別又窩心的禮品? 我們的禮劵及禮品籃定能帶給您靈活及個性化的選擇。我們亦提供全年免費禮物包裝服務。請不要猶豫,立即送上你的關懷和祝福!

Are you looking for a special and warm gift to your loved ones? Our gift vouchers and bespoke hampers offer you a flexible and personalized choice. We also provide all year free gift-wrapping service. Don’t hesitate to show your love and care now!

禮劵 Gift Vouchers


全球美食,盡在高瑪! 給您的親人送上最衷心的祝福,高瑪禮劵是你的不二之選。每張禮劵面值澳門幣100元。

Worldwide gourmet can be found in Grand Mart. Sending your blessing with Grand Mart gift voucher is the best of all. Each is valued at MOP$100.

自選禮籃 Bespoke Hampers

Seasonal Hampers


Our bespoke hampers gives you an ultimate personalized choice by tailoring your special idea and regard to your family and friends. No matter it’s for a special occasion or no reason at all, it surprises you by opening the lovely packaging with joy!

節日禮籃 Seasonal Hampers



Our expert selection on seasonal product for a joyful festival. They are designed for every budget to celebrate a blissful holiday in Mid-Autumn, Christmas and Chinese New Year Festival.